WHOS® OSTAR® Opioid Substitution to Abstinence Residential TC – Lilyfield NSW

WHOS® OSTAR® (Opioid Substitution to Abstinence Residential) is a residential Therapeutic Community (TC) for men and women, with the goal is to assist in the reduction and cessation of methadone and other opioids while learning the skills necessary to live drug free.

OSTAR® Therapeutic Community provides a safe and secure environment where the individual can concentrate on their recovery from alcohol and other drug dependence.

OSTAR® residents are supported to take on increasing levels of responsibility in the day-to-day life of OSTAR® Therapeutic Community (TC). As a resident moves through the various stages of the program, they experience increased levels of personal and TC responsibility, through which they gain a greater awareness of the effect their lifestyle has on themselves and their community.

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