
ATCA E-news June 2024

TC and member news

ATCA TC Training Perth

The ATC would like to thank everyone who attended our TC training in Perth this month, including staff from Cyrenian House, Palmerston, Yaandina, Hope Community Services and Department of Justice. We were thrilled to have over 32 people attend the training. It was wonderful to see so many individuals passionate about TCs and dedicated to delivering effective services to those experiencing issues with alcohol and other drugs. One of the training activities involves participants expressing what "community as method" means to them through words and imagery. The image below is a great example from the training, showcasing the many important components of this method that are instrumental to a therapeutic community.

In international TC news

The Federation of Therapeutic Communities in Asia held its 2nd International Conference in the Philippines this year. The event featured speakers covering a diverse range of topics with a total of 18 countries represented: including the Philippines, Australia, Bangladesh, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Nepal, Macau, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, and the USA.To read more information about this event click on the link

19th EFTC Conference

September 24 - 26th 2024 at the European Solidarity Center in Gdańsk, Poland

The theme of the conference is “Shaping the Future Together”, promoting international collaboration, exchanging experiences and research to develop knowledge, understanding, and skills in the field of therapeutic communities. For more details visit their official website ww.eftcconference2024

29th WFTC World Conference

13-15 December 2024, Brazil.

For more information, including a short video about the upcoming conference click on the link here

Research and reports

DPMP - Australian Drug Budget Report

Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP) at UNSW has released Australian ‘drug budget’: Government drug policy expenditure 2021/22. The researchers found that Australian governments spend more on law enforcement in illicit drug policy thantreatment, prevention and harm reduction combined. Click here for more details.

NDARC National illicit drug indicators project reports
report presents the most recent and in-depth data on overdose and drug-induced deaths in Australia, covering the period 2003 to 2022. To read the report click here.

Updated social and economic costs of AOD use in Australia
The George Institute for Global Health collaborated with the NSW Ministry of Health to update estimates of the 
societal and economic costs of AOD use in Australia to 2022/23. Understanding the magnitude of these costs is vital to ensure AOD use receives appropriate policy responses and sufficient resource allocation. To find out more information click on the link

MOTIVATE C - Seeking People for HCV Treatment

MOTIVATE C, an HREC-approved, Australia-wide project is currently recruiting people living with chronic hepatitis C infection who have not initiated treatment. The project will assess whether provision of cash incentives will increase uptake of hep C antiviral therapies in primary care. For more info, contact or visit


Professional development online - elearning and webinars

Methamphetamine use in youth. Mental health and functional outcomes

12-1pm (EST) Wed 31 July  

This webinar co-hosted by Positive Choices and Cracks will be presented by Dr Alexandre Guerin on methamphetamine use in youth. This webinar is for school staff, parents, and any health workers interested in learning more about  use in youth and its association with health, functional and cognitive outcomes.  This webinar will summarise up-to-date evidence on health, functional and cognitive outcomes associated with methamphetamine use in youth, with the aim to identify targets for the development of future research and interventions. We will also present a brief overview of current trials testing new treatments for young people who use methamphetamine. Click on the link to register

Stigma by association among AOD and harm reduction workers: Implications for workplace outcomes

10-11am (AEST) Wed 4 September

This webinar from Insight and presented by Dr Loren Brener will discuss how the negative attitudes people hold towards those who use AOD can also affect the people who work with this community, leading to lowered productivity and wellbeing. The impact of this stigma by association in the AOD and harm reduction sector is particularly significant because workers may have lived experience of AOD use, and identify strongly with their client group. This study reports on research examining how stigma by association among health workers in the AOD/harm reduction sector relates to workplace outcomes. A secondary aim was to explore how lived experience influences experiences of stigma by association. For more details and to register click on the link

Resources and practice tools

Emerging Minds Learning

This free online training course provides resources and practice advice to support children’s mental health and wellbeing. Emerging Minds courses are designed to support professionals in health, community and social services to grow their skills and confidence in working with children (aged 0-12), parents and families. You’ll find a wide range of topics, including: infant and child mental health, trauma, family and domestic violence and more.  To access these resources click on the link

Cracks in the ice
self-help strategies can help people who want to cut down or stop using methamphetamine or other drugs. For more information click on the link

Events and other activities

NAIDOC Week 2024
7-14 July 2024

NAIDOC Week celebrates and recognises the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This year’s theme chosen by the National NAIDOC Committee, is Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud. The theme honours the enduring strength and vitality of First Nations culture – with fire a symbol of connection to Country, to each other, and to the rich tapestry of traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. For more details about NAIDOC Week activities click on the link

World Hepatitis Day 2024

28 July 2024

Every year, 1.3 million people lose their lives to hepatitis and new data from the World Health Organization shows the number of deaths is rising. To raise awareness online and in your community check out the official World Hepatitis Day campaign resources at the following link

International Overdose Awareness Day

31 August 2024
International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died and acknowledge the grief of family and friends left behind. This years theme is “Together we can”, highlighting the power of our community when we all stand together. For information click on the link


Conferences and symposiums

NDARC Annual Research Symposium

Friday, 20 September 2024, Sydney.

The NDARC Annual Symposium is renowned for showcasing the foremost research in the AOD sector and related fields. For more information and to register to attend click on the link

The Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australasia (DANA) Annual Conference 2024

7 – 9 August 2024, Adelaide.

This three day event centres around the theme of "Transforming Opportunities into Reality" and will provide delegates the opportunity to hear from leaders in the field, share knowledge about contemporary issues and effective clinical practice. To find out more click here

APSAD 2024

30 October to Friday 1 November 2024, Ngunnawal Country (Canberra, ACT)

The Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD) is dedicated to promoting improved standards in clinical practice for medical practitioners and other health professionals who deal with alcohol and other drug-related problems in the course of their work.  To find out more click on the link

Job opportunities

This month we have details for positions at member services including WHOS, DASA and Yaandina. If you’re a member and would like to advertise a job on our website please email me the details.  To view positions available at member services click on the link to the ATCA website

Contact us to contribute to the ATCA E-News

The ATCA E-News is a way for members, key stakeholders and the wider sector to share news, events and resources. If you have an item you’d like to be included in the E-News, please provide it to

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