Vaada Presents

Shifting Landscapes – Building the holistic treatment mosaic


Service deliverers are becoming increasingly aware that to deal with consumer needs and complexity effectively, a holistic approach can bring significant benefits. The recent Royal Commissions into Victoria’s Mental Health System and Family Violence have prioritised reform headlined by holistic approaches. This includes implementing reforms to embrace the intersection of multiple issues and the means to address them.
Focussing narrowly on formal diagnosis or treatment plans, be it in mental health, family violence or other areas, fails to address the complexities impacting an individual’s circumstances.

The Victorian Community based AOD system sits at a crossroads with many of the issues faced by other sectors and often with shared consumers.

As we know, the AOD sector is increasingly catering to increasing demand and complexity, impacted by a myriad of challenges such as justice, climate, COVID-19, family violence, mental health and other challenges.

VAADA’s 2023 Conference, Shifting landscapes – Building the holistic treatment mosaic, is our first state-wide sector conference since 2019. It will seek to unpack the many issues impacting our Victorian AOD system and our cross-sectoral colleagues. We are looking to consider the importance of mutually shared problems and approaches, including the sort of collaboration that can make a difference.

Through the contribution of invited speakers and voices from our sector, this conference will critically examine what works, highlight innovative practice, identify opportunities and threats, and continue the discussion on how the AOD sector can be more than a footnote in this current period of reform. This conference will engage not only the AOD sector but also related sectors such as mental health, justice, homelessness, the primary health sector and more.

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Keynote Speakers

Wim van den Brink

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Alison Ritter

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Arie Freiberg

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Our Sponsors

The conference is proudly supported by the following sponsors


TaskForce Community Agency plays an important role across communities in southeast Melbourne, whether helping individuals and families due to challenges with alcohol and other drugs or family violence, or enabling people through education, training, and employment.

Odyssey House

Odyssey House Victoria is a state-wide, specialist treatment organisation dedicated to improving the lives of individuals who experience significant or long-term problems from alcohol and other drug use.