ATCA Therapeutic Community Training Course

The Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association (ATCA) Therapeutic Community (TC) Training Course has been specifically written for staff of ATCA member agencies. The ATCA TC Training Course was developed in Aotearoa New Zealand by Matua Raki the then National Addictions Training Centre. It is aimed at supporting staff working in TCs and other AOD residential rehabilitation services, or those wanted to work in a TC. It is offered in both Australia and New Zealand.

The ATCA TC Training Course has been developed to assist in developing a ‘TC work-ready’ workforce. The ATCA TC Training Course supports the development of knowledge, attitudes and skills that can be applied in the TC.

The ATCA TC Training Course is suited ot those who have a qualification and/or knowledge of addiction-related practice and who wish to develop knowledge and skills for application in the TC or other residential AOD treatment environments.

The ATCA TC Training Course is comprised of:

– Face-to-face learning

– Supervised practicum in a TC

– Self Directed learning

– Cultural competence training

Participants who complete all course requirements to a satisfactory standard are awarded a certificate of completion.

Please contact Michelle Ridley, Executive Officer, ATCA at if you would like more information on the ATCA TC Training Course.

Upcoming ATCA Events

ATCA Conference 2025! 26th – 27th November at Auckland, New Zealand

26-27 November, 2025

Location: Auckland, New Zealand - more details to be announced soon.

Past Conferences

ATCA Conference 2023

Conference 2023 Inclusion. Innovation. Impact. Sustainability. Bringing together professionals working in therapeutic communities, residential rehabilitation services, researchers and clinicians in the alcohol and other drug fields. Conference Organising Committee: Partnered by: Platinum partner Gold partner Silver partner Bronze partner Bronze partner James A. Pitts Oration Partner Networking Event Partner Significant Contribution to the Therapeutic Community… Continue reading ATCA Conference 2023

Conference 2019

ATCA recognises that not all innovation comes from research but from the need to tackle a persistent problem, using creativity, imagination and ingenuity. Conference Themes included: Treatment practice: Partnerships for new ideas and new initiatives Cultural partnerships: working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Mãori and Pasifika Peoples Family and Child Aware Practice: Whilst the… Continue reading Conference 2019

Conference 2016

‘Creative Practice and Mutual Recovery’, Gary WinshipThe 2016 30th Anniversary ATCA Conference marked a significant milestone in the ATCA history.  The theme, “Come sit together” marked the conferences as a gathering, which was held in Melbourne on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people, members of the Kulin Nation, whose culture and traditions remain strong. For… Continue reading Conference 2016

Past Symposiums

ATCA Symposium 2022

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ATCA Symposium 2018

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ATCA Webinar

Therapeutic Communities response to COVID-19, A Victorian Perspective

On 18 August 2020 the ATCA held a webinar. It provided an opportunity for staff working in Therapeutic Communities to hear about the experience of our Victorian counterparts in dealing with the second wave of COVID-19 in the state, and the impact it had on Therapeutic Communities.  Staff and a resident from Windana shared how they were dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic, and staff from Odyssey House Victoria spoke about their experience opening a new service in the midst of level 3 restrictions.

ATCA Webinars

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