The ATCA Board of Directors invites you to the 2018 Annual General Meeting and ATCA Symposium, which this year takes the theme: Latest Trends, and…You tell us…
TCs are acknowledged as working with the most complex and chaotic populations. Outcomes, nevertheless, have been shown to be impressive over many studies in Australia and internationally. As we take up the challenges of the coming years, what will the AOD landscape present, and how do we continue to influence the policy framework through practice-based evidence?
Over the past three years, ATCA in association with our New Zealand members and Matua Raki, has developed the TC Training Course. After two successful programs in New Zealand, the TC Training Course was adapted for Australian audiences, and has been rolled out across Australia over the past six months. As we come to the Symposium, more than 170 participants will have completed the training in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide – and in the coming weeks further courses will be offered in Canberra and Melbourne. This is just one of the initiatives we have introduced as part of our Workforce Development strategy.
The ATCA Standard is now imbedded in the Quality Assurance model, with a growing number of our services – both TCs and Residential Rehabilitation Services (RRS) – undertaking certification against the Standard. While we have had some limitations in terms of roll-out, a second Certifying Body is expected to be in place before the ATCA’s AGM – providing more opportunities for all our members to undertake the certification process.
One of our key challenges right now is to inspire those coming through our programs and entering into TCs as staff, to maintain the enthusiasm, the passion and the commitment to the TC model.
So – a challenge to our members – as you register your delegates for this year’s Symposium – bring with you at least one of your newest staff members – these are our emerging leaders and the people who will carry our TCs forward into the next decades as we address the issues ahead of us. Help us to support and nurture them to become passionate about TCs.
Please click on the link below to view the ATCA Symposium Program and registration form.